Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Al Weber's Rendezvous this weekend

Photograph: A cropdusting helicopter fleeing across a field of lettuce just before sunrise. King City, California October 20, 2006

Al Weber's Rendezvous is this weekend. One never knows who will show up, but it is always exciting. Experienced, talented photographers, amateurs and professionals alike, gather to show their work and enjoy the camaradarie of a shared interest.

Rendezvous doesn't "just happen." Al works all year to set it up. He reserves spaces at San Lorenzo Regional Park, arranges for use of the meeting room, and books the main speaker, as well as arranging for a caterer to feed the crowd on Saturday afternoon or evening. Print showings invite feedback from fellow photographers, and a chance to see what and how others are doing. This stirs the professional juices in the same way a pep rally stirs up a crowd before the Big Game.

This year we'll have a PowerPoint presentation by Martha Casanave. Expect to hear more about this top drawer pinhole photographer, and to see examples of her work. If we're lucky, we'll get a video interview, which will be included in a future issue of the Photographers' Formulary newsletter.

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